Wednesday, July 20, 2016


So I'm still having problems with my hand.  I thought it was getting better.  I've switched out my keyboard for work to one with a negative incline.  I've changed from a mouse to a trackball.  I'm giving it rest, but as soon as I pick up a sword, it starts to hurt.

Last night, I helped to authorize 3 new fencers.  We had four people at the practice authorize for the first time.  Watching Malcolm fencing Erika, it was an easy authorization to observe.  I did some pickups with Dominico to prep him, and then fenced his authorization bout.  The third of the night was Anton, who I observed.  It was not an easy one to judge from outside, so I asked him to fence me some.  I was satisfied and another authorization was completed.

My last fight of the night was Wulfgar, who wanted to do 48 passes for the night, as he's turning 48 on Thursday.  He was at 40 passes, so he only needed eight more.  We had some fun passes completing his goal.

In other news, I've ordered a Federschwert from Castille Armory.  I have the Hanwei version, but its too floppy.  This one is being ground down to work as an SCA Heavy Rapier blade and not limited to C&T.  I hope to have this in before Pennsic.

I'm also going to be making a handle and cross guard to go on my 45" blade.  I am given to calling it the "Pennsic War Atrocity".  My actual hope is that this will help me with my hand issues during Pennsic, as I'll be able to use both hands to support the weapon.