- Hot
- Humid
- Fun
- Relaxing
- Stressful
- Anxiety inducing
- Painful
Sunday, I drove to site early to get a paid parking pass, so we would not be parking over the top of the hill. Paid parking pass acquired, I drove back to get Jennie and Evan. I suited up to get inspected for the rapier field, and did a few pickups. I was trying out the two handed sword to get my range down with the two-hander. Stuck around to watch rapier champions. E passed out but Stacey took up his chant of "GOlando" when Master Orlando Sforza was up to fence. We grabbed some food and then back to the B&B for bedtime, except we were to meet people for coffee, so we turned around, parked, and then hung out for about an hour before heading back for bed.
Monday, I did a few more pickups. Most enjoyable were those with Warder Fergus, he with rapier and dagger against my long sword. I cracked the handle on my long sword when fencing Mikulaj and had to make an emergency repair with duct tape so it would not get worse.
In the rapier battle, which started way late, I started out with the Southern Region. There we faced a lot of Atlantia, with a smattering of Midrealm fencers. As we we dominating the open field, Nataliia directed me to head up the line to assist with the other flags. I was able to help out in the broken field section, but after being backed over a hay bale, I opted to move up towards the fort and assist the Handsome Boys/Calivers and Ansteroa. I was able to help push the enemy forces around the tower, but we never had enough people to keep the ground and flank them and gain the tower. Intense and fun fighting. Just wish it was not so bloody hot. Doroga's girlfriend is amazing, having cool towels for the fencers at the resurrection line. I think that saved me. Had an "interesting" conversation with a Midrealm MOD after the battle, but it all worked out. Funny though as the old me would have blown up at this person. Being a dad has changed me as I now have a lot more patience. As I said though, all good now, and now I have a new friend. Jennie, E, and I went to dinner over at DeLondres. Yummy ribs and good company. Then onto Master Phillip White's ice cream social
Tuesday, a few pickups, but not too much fencing due to the increasing heat. I helped to marshal the early goings of the cadet tournament and signed in a few friends. I'm so glad to see the tournament i started thriving with 95 entrants this year, even up against the Ansteorran tournament. I was not a fan of the melee scenario. In the first pass, as a defender, I held off an advancing line with my cohorts until I was DFBed. I think I threw on shot to back a few people off. In the second go around, as an attacker, a advanced on a few skirmishers, saw Bruce and Trap and an Atlantian MOD. He looked at me, I threw my shot, he looked away at a group advancing on him, as he started to look back, I connected with my shot to his mask, right about the jaw line. He felt it was hard and asked me to give my medallion number to a marshal. I complied, resurrected at the nearest flag and tried to get back in the fight, but it was soon over. I had tracked him on his way back to his resurrection point. I apologized, we discussed it, and we were all good. I introduced him to Jean Xavier as my Peer. I then went to where the marshals were having their meeting. When they wrapped up, I talked with Frasier, told him that we were all good. Did I feel the shot was hard? It doesn't matter it what it comes down to. My opponent felt it was hard. I stepped up and did the right things afterwards. I will call this personal growth. I saw my opponent later in the food court. We talked a little more, I apologized again, he said there was no need. All good there. After all the fencing we went over to An Dub to hang out with Jean Xavier and Gianetta. Evan was passed out due to the heat and we needed a place to just sit and (try to) chill. We had a nice dinner. Gianetta setup a tub of water for Evan to splash in, as he was overheated. His smile returned. We then went back to the B&B for showers and a bath for Evan, and bed.
Wednesday was our last day. We cut it short. Jennie went shopping with Engracia. I followed with Evan, but not too closely. We went for a walk down to House Hedgehog, where E passed out. We spent some time down there just hanging out. E slept the whole time, so when we got back up to the top of the hill, we called it a day, got in the car with the A/C blasting, and headed back. We got cleaned up and headed out for dinner to North Country Brewing Company in Slippery Rock. It has become our post-Pennsic meal of choice.
Thursday, we drove home. I was worried about how E would do in the car with us leaving after breakfast, but he was great. He passed out for a bit or kept himself entertained. We got home and stopped at Costco and we ran into my grandmother and my mom. I unpacked the truck later that evening.
Overall it was a pretty good Pennsic. I am glad we didn't camp, but I missed being onsite. We shall see what next year brings.