Sorry for any typos. I'm trying to post this from my phone.
So there was an event yesterday, 100 Minutes War. It marks the end of the outdoor fencing season here in the East. This year the weather was cooperative.
The day started out slowly. Bethany asked a question of me and while I wad right in my thinking, I'm not as good at saying the full answer. I noticed Lorenzo, Donovan, and Remy having a discussion, so I pointed her at the three of them. I enjoyed listening to their sword geekery in breaking down the answer regarding the differences, subtle and gross, between stances of Gigante and Fabris. I need to get better at giving a fuller answer than just an overview as my thinking was right, but not complete.
Onto the warlord tournament to help choose sides for the day. My first fight was with Melchior, and it wad one of the most fun passes I've had in quite a while. I figure in a warlord tourney you want good teammates and I could not have asked for a better captain, as he beat me cleanly. We eventually lost in an 8 on 8 to Orlando.
Then there wad the crazy cannonball melee. Seems like people enjoyed hitting me hard, including a punch with the guard to my mask (Looking at you, Monsoiur Remy) and a shot from behind into my kidneys. It was all good, though I do have a few nice bruises. I talked to the folks who made the mistakes after the fights, not out of anger, but to use it as a teaching moment. Remy still continued to hit me hard. Must be my mask that offends his sensibilities.
At brief court in which for new members were added to the rolls of the Silver Rapier, Yehuda was given a medallion that started with me, was passed to Engracia, and is now his.
Alesone, put out a call fire anyone willing to be a lava otter for the next scenario. Now lava otters are an elusive creature, chaos incarnate but with a sense of fun and fair play. I jumped on the opportunity and thus the forces of chaos included myself, Caine, Nataliia, Melchior, and Ronan. It was some of the most fun I've ever had fencing. My queen called me the perfect lava otter for my actions. That made me smile inside. Chasing Aiden through the woods at the end like a crazed horror movie killer, telling him "my son wants me to give you a fist bump" and his reaction to that is going to be s favorite memory for a long time. We were both laughing about it. He said I had that perfect killer stalk, which was because I was wiped and my ankle was killing me.
Then into the final tournament, the MOD/OGR challenge. I had some great passes with people, was able to provide some good feedback and instruction (I hope), and end the day on a high note.
Gearing down a leaving site down, I was very happy with the day. This morning, my legs still hurt but I am smiling. It doesn't hurt that my sin wad just giggling and being all cute.