Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Practice report - 9/29

So I think I needed to upgrade to gills last night.  I thought fall temperatures were supposed to be cooler.  It was actually warmer when we left practice last night than it was getting there.  Add to that very high humidity, and well, it felt like swimming.

Anyhow, practice was actually pretty good.  I warmed up fencing with Bethany.  I noticed her disengages were really large and I was not riposting with my parries at all, so I asked her if she'd mind doing some drills.  So we worked a simple drill where I would give her blade opposition, she would disengage and attack on the open line, I would parry and riposte.  We did this with both the inside and outside high line, both hands, and then we switched it up.  It felt good to do drills again.  If she or others are willing, I would like to do more of this.

Then I went out and fenced my squire brother Jonathan.  I went out with goofy case, my curved blade in my right and my 30" rapier in my left.  I had used this combo against Meryke at River Wars and I enjoyed it. It seems to work decently for me.  I recall about 10 years ago, I fought nothing but case, but since then its likely become one of my weaker forms.

After Jonathan, I fought +Raymond Edwards, who tagged me in the belly with his new blade.  It shows me I need to lose weight, as it caught my belly and pinched it.  Ouch!  We traded blades, and I really like his new setup.

The little man, and I, and Jennie were all getting over heated in the humid air, so I decided to pack it up early.  I didn't get as much fencing in as I would have liked, but I'm feeling a little better about where I am currently than I was last week.  Need to do more drills!

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