Pictures since someone asked
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Practice report -10/13/15
My buckler is a wavy buckler in the style of Marozzo. I made it out of leather a few years ago. It was the first leather tooling project I ever undertook. After last night, I need to rework the handle on the buckler as it is way too tight to the back of the shield.
I fenced Garrick with it while he took cloak. It was some interesting exchanges, and it forced me out of my comfort zone of staying linear. It was a fun set of passes. I took one that left a very interesting bruise from the chain shirt, up my arm from the bicep to shoulder.
I then did some passes with Ciaren, again working with buckler. My left hand cramped up bad, from the handle being so tight. I switched to dagger, but the hand was pretty much done for the night. I did some passes with Jonathon, but the pain in my left hand was intense. Not the practice I would have liked after this weekend, but I'll take it.
I need to figure out a way to stand the handle a bit further off my buckler. I'm thinking I'll but a wood block that will go between the handle and the back of the shield.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
So I had a pretty good day at K&Q. I wish I could take back one fight. My only losses on the day were to Donovan and Thomas, who were both in the finals. Thomas hit me with a beautiful shot just inside the shoulder. I doubled with Donovan in the first pass. I had a great shot to his head but I let my defenses lapse and he wad cutting my belly. In the second pass he got me clean, and this I was out.
I finished top 6 or 8. Not really sure with double elimination brackets. The math is messy.
I was allowing some slop to get thru my defenses, and while it didn't kill me, it means I was not as clean in my defense as I would have liked. More things to work on. Need to also get in better shape, but that is a work in progress.
I was very glad to see some awesome people recognized for their hard work and their skill with a blade.
I am very tired and I have thoughts but I'm not awake enough at this point to write them coherently. We left Massachusetts at 6 this morning and just got finished with Bat Mitzvah. Time for a nap.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Practice Report - 10/6
My first fight was with Orlando, and we went out single. I was not used to the change with the blade, so I was working on just figuring out the differences. The balance point was a little further out than I was used to. After the fight, I swapped out the pommel for one with a little more weight.
My next passes were with Garrick. He is back to fencing with full contact. I still want to be extra cautious with him though. I had one shot that was aimed for his head. I broke my wrist and changed the angle of the shot, going passe with the point, rather than hitting him in the mask. It was one of those shots that I felt, had I landed it, the blade would not have bent, so I'd prefer not to hurt him (or anyone else) if I can prevent it. That little bit of extra weight in the pommel helped out. The balance point is about 1" in front of the guard now.
After Garrick, I picked a fight with Bethany. I told her I wanted to work on my tournament game. She was up for it and I brought my A game out with rapier and dagger. After Bethany, I fought Ciaren. Again, I was working my way up for this weekend. Then is was some passes with Malcolm. I wrapped it up a little early so we could get Evan home and in bed.
Overall, this is the least confident I have been in a long time heading into K&Q. I'm not sure where my game is overall in comparison to years past. The good thing is I 'm having fun, something I was not about a year ago.