Friday was a pretty good day. My new knee brace came in, and yeah, its the proper size.
DonJoy Armor Knee Brace
I wore it Friday afternoon and evening. It's not easy to sit in a chair while wearing it and I can't fully straigten my leg easily. The good thing is that it supports the knee so I don't feel like I am constantly going to fall over. After picking up Evan from school, we hit the Dutch Market for steaks, veggies, fruit, and some other items.
Saturday was a busy day. We all woke up late. We had some errands to run, which mostly revolved around finding a dress shirt for Evan for a wedding this coming weekend. Burlington was a bust, so we went to Khol's which was a successful trip. We went to Barnes and Nobels so Ev could look for some new books and to use up his gift certificates. We had a snack in the cafe, and I stayed there while Jennie and Evan looked at books. He wound up getting 7 new books. We came home and had lunch. Then we headed down to Hammonton to the olive oil store, as we were running low on some flavors. They were having their Halloween/Fall Festival, but it was ending. Evan fell asleep, so we were able to get some supplies, and then headed to the toy store there. He woke up so he could look at the toys. I told him he could get a small toy, so my goofball picked out a flamingo finger puppet, because "I want to make people laugh!" I love his personality. After Hammonton, we headed in the opposite direction to Mt Laurel to hit Costco for some groceries. Then it was time to head home, have a light meal and pass out.
Sunday, it was smoke all the things. I smoked a whole chicken, a rack of ribs, and 10 sweet italian sausages. We had guests coming over for dinner. Yes, all that for 4 adults. I ran out to get bagles in the morning, because I was craving a good bagel. I had to run to the hardware store a few times to get supplies for Evan's halloween costume. I did some work on it after Jennie completed the painting and things wouldn't stay attached. I also deconstructed my gorget as the rivits were all rusted out. I'll hopefully be rebuilding it this week.
Last night for dinner, we ate all the meat and hung out. It was a nice quiet afternoon/evening. I got Evan to bed, and nealry fell asleep with him. We watched one episode of Forged in Fire, and I was out. I woke a few few times during the night, but it sure beet the perivious night's 90 minutes of sleep.
Today, I am working from home, trying to stay warm. I made iy up and down the staits this morning without needing to use my cane. Small victory, but one step forward.
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