On tap for this coming year in terms of fencing related projects:
- Turning new handles for my rapiers
- I'm not satisfied with the grip I purchased on the new dagger, and I've always wanted to learn how to use a lathe to turn wood, so since I have a lathe, found a site for exotic woods, have access to a pretty decent wood shop in the basement, Ray and I are going to be making some nice grips.
- Somewhat related to this is I want to make a set of plates, bowls, and drinking vessels for feast gear.
- New buckler
- I'm hoping to use my knight/pelican's metal shop to pound out a wavy metal buckler in the style of Marozzo. I made one in leather, and it was my first leather tooling project ever, but I always wanted to make a metal one.
- New rapier belt
- Since I took a lateral transfer from squire to protege under the same peer, I'm thinking I may need to make a new rapier hanger and belt.
- New garb
- I'm learning how to sew and helped Jennie make some new Viking apron dresses prior to Pennsic. I think its time I stopped buying garb and learned how to make some of it myself. Maybe make myself some pretty fencing garb from linen.
I think it would probably be in my best interest to completely join you on this venture. I also need to learn to start making my own garb. I'll also be looking into learning how to weld so I can attempt to make rapier guards.